Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Long Day !

Nothing new today just a long day at work. I'm car pooling this year and I must say I do not like car pooling. The lady I ride with come earlier every day, I need to be at work at 8:25 AM It is about 15 minutes to work unless the weather is bad, which has not been. This week she arrived at 7:35, 7:40, and 7:32 AM which makes for a longer day than needed, also I have to get up early and be ready a half hour early and then she always is late getting out so I'm putting in 30 minutes each day over which I do not get paid for. UGH! I hate car pooling.


Chauntue Peterson said...

i hear ya I hate haveing to depend on other people. But with the gas prices what do you do.

Tara L. said...

Why don't you tell her you can't leave that early. That is stupid if you don't get paid for the extra time.

Mary said...

I'm sorry mom! But just think, with all that extra time put in, you can take an extra day off! Hmm you could even come visit me! Cheer up you car will be done soon! I love you!